On Monday 27 June we moved  …but only round the cornerCornmarket St view of Jesus’s College’s Cheng Yu Tung building – the site of the Northgate Health Centre

Dawn of a new era for your healthcare

“A new primary care centre in the heart of Oxford city centre.”

We are pleased to announce that we have moved into new modern premises at the Northgate Health Centre, 15 Market Street, Oxford.  The new health centre has been built by the University of Oxford’s Jesus College, within their own brand-new development known as the ‘Cheng Yu Tung Building’.

The new Northgate Health Centre is accessible via its own entrance on Market Street.  The Medical space is in the basement and there are two lifts from the ground floor entrance in addition to a wide staircase.  Some of the first floor will be for our administrative teams, while the remainder of the new building will be used by Jesus College for its own research, teaching, student accommodation and some retail.  We will be sharing the space with two other GP practices - 27 Beaumont St and 28 Beaumont St - but retaining our seperate identities.

The move means each practice to deliver more effective patient care in modern, spacious premises, supported by a team of clinical staff including GPs, nurses, health care assistants, pharmacists, and dedicated practice staff.  It will also allow us to expand beyond what we have historically been able to provide – opening up opportunities to employ physiotherapists, paramedics and mental health workers to name a few.  It will also allow us to look to host services that are normally only available in hospital – i.e. Cardiology, Echocardiography, Audiology and Dermatology clinics.  We are very grateful to Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Jesus College who have actively supported us during the long process of moving to our new location.

A change of name for the practice

As well as a new building we are also going to have a new name!  From 27 June 2022 the practice will be known as:  KES@Northgate

Contact details:   Our phone number remains the same: 01865 242 657

The practice website will be altered to reflect the new name in due course.  Emails will also change in time but for now email addresses are not changing.  The new health centre address is:   Northgate Health Centre, 15 Market Street, Oxford OX1 3EF

Please note the new address, we don’t want patients visiting the wrong place by mistake!


More Information:

To find out more about the move, please visit our Moving to Northgate page and our FAQ page, where we provide answers to commonly asked questions.